Friday, June 26, 2009

Micheal jackson photos

Michael Jackson autopsy ends, cause of death awaits tests

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The Los Angeles County Coroner on Friday said the autopsy has concluded on pop star Michael Jackson's body, but that a cause of death will await additional tests that will take four to six weeks.

Chief Investigator Craig Harvey told reporters in a news conference that there was no evidence of external trauma to Jackson's body or foul play associated with his death.

(Editing by Mary Milliken and Jackie Frank)

Michael Jackson's Estate Sale

Jackson's debt may force a quick sale of his prized asset: rights to the Beatles catalog

Michael Jackson died just before heading to the U.K., where a 50-concert schedule would have done much more than launch a musical comeback tour.

Proceeds from the concerts would have chipped away at nearly half a billion dollars in personal debt.

Creditors allowed Jackson to dig himself into such a hole because of the cash cow he put up as collateral: his 50% interest in a music publishing catalog that includes 250 Beatles songs and hundreds of thousands of other works.

Now, if those same creditors push the Jackson estate for quick payment, they could force a distressed sale of his interest in the catalog.

The King of Pop blew the profits from sales of 750 million records on extravagances ranging from $10,000-a-night hotel stays to the construction and upkeep of his $50 million Neverland Ranch.

But Jackson made one brilliant financial move--shelling out $47.5 million in 1985 to buy the publishing catalog. Ten years later, Sony ( SNE - news - people ) paid Jackson $90 million for half the rights, forming a joint venture called Sony/ATV. Today, it's worth far more.

Michael Jackson death still unsolved after autopsy

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Doctors completed an autopsy on the body of Michael Jackson on Friday but said they could not immediately establish a cause of death for the "King of Pop" as speculation centered on his use of prescription painkillers.

"The cause of death has been deferred, which means that the medical examiner has ordered additional testing such as toxicology and other studies," Los Angeles County Coroner's spokesman Craig Harvey said.

"Those tests we anticipate will take an additional four to six weeks."

Speaking to a throng of reporters outside the coroner's office, Harvey said, "There was no indication of any external trauma or indication of foul play to the body of Mr. Jackson."

He said his office expected to determine what killed Jackson, 50, when the tests were complete.

The body would be released to family members after they chose a mortuary to handle the funeral arrangements, Harvey added.

Celebrity website, citing an interview with an unidentified "close member" of the Jackson family, reported the superstar singer was injected with Demerol about half an hour before he went into cardiac arrest.


Police searched Jackson's rented mansion in the Holmby Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles and planned to interview his personal physician, who was with the entertainer at the time of his death.

TMZ, citing family members, said Jackson received a daily injection of Demerol, a narcotic painkiller. The family believes his death was caused by an overdose of the drug, TMZ reported.

An unidentified man called a 911 emergency phone line from the mansion at 12:21 p.m. local time, saying Jackson was unconscious and not breathing.

In excerpts from the call played on television, the man said the doctor was the only other person present and was performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the unconscious Jackson without results.

"He's pumping, he's pumping his chest but he's not responding to anything, sir, please," the caller said.

A senior law enforcement official told ABC News that Jackson was "heavily addicted" to the painkiller Oxycontin and was injected daily with that medication, along with Demerol.

Lawyer Brian Oxman, a Jackson family spokesman, told CBS' "The Early Show" he had been concerned about the prescription drugs Jackson took due to injuries suffered while performing.

"I do not want to point fingers at anyone because I want to hear what the toxicology report says and the coroner says but the plain fact of the matter is that Michael Jackson had prescription drugs at his disposal at all times," Oxman said.


Fans and fellow pop stars everywhere revived memories of Jackson's musical genius, tarnished over the past decade by accusations of child molestation and eccentric behavior.

U.S. President Barack Obama called Jackson a "spectacular performer" but said he believed aspects of his life were "sad and tragic," the White House said.

Jackson's death was front-page news around the world as airwaves filled with his greatest hits from "Thriller" to "Billie Jean" and social networking sites were bombarded with messages and tributes.

"My heart, my mind are broken," actress Elizabeth Taylor, long a close friend of Jackson, said in a statement.

"He will be in my heart forever but it's not enough," Taylor said. "My life feels so empty. I don't think anyone knew how much we loved each other."

On Hollywood Boulevard, police put up barricades to control thousands of fans who filed past Jackson's star on the Walk of Fame to honor the child prodigy who became one of the top singers of all time with an estimated 750 million albums sold.

Jackson's family has yet to announce details of a funeral.

Facing a battered reputation and a mountain of debt that The Wall Street Journal reported ran to $500 million, Jackson spent the last two months rehearsing for a series of London concerts, including Wednesday in Los Angeles.

Despite reports of Jackson's ill health, the promoters of the London shows, AEG Live, said in March that Jackson passed a 4 1/2-hour physical examination with independent doctors.

In death, Jackson's music enjoyed an immediate rebound that eluded him for years. His songs surged to the top 15 on online retailer's best-selling albums within hours.

He dominated the charts in the 1980s and was one of the most successful entertainers, with 13 Grammy Awards and several seminal music videos. His 1982 album "Thriller" yielded seven top-10 singles. [nN26308702]

But he was twice accused of molesting young boys and was charged in 2003 with child sexual abuse. He was acquitted of all charges in a four-month trial in 2005.

In 1994, Jackson married Elvis Presley's only child, Lisa Marie, which ended in divorce in 1996. He remarried and had two children, later split with his second wife, and had a third child with an unnamed surrogate mother.

(Additional reporting by Mary Milliken, Bob Tourtellotte and Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Peter Cooney)

Malaysians remember Michael and Farrah

Tributes received from The Star Online readers for Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett. E-mail your tributes to

He came, he sang and he stole everybody’s heart. Truly a legend and a legend for a very long time to come. Despite certain shortcomings, he’ll always be remembered by everyone, most of all me. Now that he’s gone to a better place, he’s no longer alone. Rest in peace Michael. You left this world but you’ll never leave us. -- David BanKee Tan

I really can’t believe it. Rest In Peace. Michael Jackson will truly be missed. He is The Greatest Entertainer of All Time. I grew up on his music and because of him and a few others is why I have the love of music. -- Buvanesvaran

I’m 17 and I listen to Michael’s songs since I was just a kid. Being the King of Pop, Michael dedicated his whole life to the music industry. Heal the World, We are the World, ... are merely a part of his efforts in helping the needy. His death is a heart wrenching news and is definitely a great loss to the world. Sorrow overwhelmed everyone in the world. Michael will stay in our hearts forever and ever. Rest in peace, Michael. We will miss you! A tribute from your little fan, Ryan Yu

I was shocked and saddened over an SMS from my niece this morning that MJ has passed away. Still can’t believe it’s true. Though there was negative news surrounding him when he was alive, he always remained an inspiration and a source of happiness whenever i listened to his songs. He is one of a kind! My deepest condolance to his family members, friends and fans all over the world. RIP Michael. -- Calvin

Whenever I listen to “Heal The World” it will bring tears and now the idol is gone....Michael Jackson,whatever people may have said but you will always be remembered...May you soul rest in peace. ...we will definately miss you. -- Mathuri Raman

Micheal’s death came as a shock to me when I heard it, I couldn’t believe my pop icon is gone and tears filled up my eyes. Micheal you remain in my heart forever.. R.I.P ... Love you Micheal. -- Parveen, Penang

It is indeed a sad day. Over here in Ukraine, we (Crimea State Medical University students) were busy preparing for exams when we heard the news on the Internet. No matter who or where you are in the world, you would have definitely heard of the name ‘Michael Jackson’. You would know that he was the King of Pop and that he could really dance. My friends and I took a short break from our studies and gathered together to remember his songs and life, over a pot of Milo (something rare and hard to find in Ukraine). We were sad and some of us even tears in our eyes. He is truly a legend and will be remembered in our lives forever. Its just sad that he could not fulfil his wish to tour the world. -- Reuben

Your songs touched many, the lyrics so kind, the dance moves ... your rhythm. It will all be in our hearts. Your legacy will still move on until the day we all vanish together on this planet called Earth. You may not know how much you have touched us. But we know it will continue shine ... May you rest in peace. -- Lisa Wong

Michael, you touch lives with your music, talent, uniqueness, and beautiful soul. You inspire many, transcending race, nationality and creed. You’ll be deeply missed and remembered. R.I.P. -- Yee, Selangor

For those growing up in the 80’s, Michael Jackson was one of the most recognisable figures in the world. He was a spectacular performer, with a life and career riddled with dark clouds around him. But nonetheless, even those who were not diehard fans recognise that as a musician, an entertainer and as a human being, Michael Jackson made a difference in the lives of millions of people. Years from now, people will still remember the musician with the shy, tortured smile from behind a pair of aviator sunglasses and that casual yet fragile wave with white gloved hands. -- SJ

Michael, you are not alone there. We are here (one world). You are the ONE and you are forever in our memory. May god bless you. RIP - Michael. -- Billy Thein, Kajang

When I played “Heal the World” again and knew the man singing it is gone forever, I felt very sad. When someone I grew up knowing and yet knew so little about can affect me emotionally when he is dead, that’s when I know he’s a legend. Rest in peace Michael Jackson. -- WH Yap

We’ve lost a TRUE IDOL. MJ, you’ll live in our hearts forever. Truly, greatest artiste of all time. -- Anthony

MJ: your music is full of life and you have cheered and livened up the hearts of so many people around the world, young and old. Even people out of your age, the young generation now, they all love your music ... and your moves. We definitely will miss you. Farrah : what more can I say? You certainly lighted up my life with your charm, moves and beauty. And the role that you played as an angel. Your show was more than 30 years ago but I can still remember those times when I looked forward to watching you on the telly. We will also miss you. -- MLim

Sitting by my winter apartment on a cold winter morning today brings back memories of his songs especially “Heal the World”. His songs still remain in our hearts for many years to come. Rest in Peace, Michael Jackson. -- William Ng, Adelaide, Australia

Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, both of you will be missed and remembered dearly by everyone in the world, your commitment and dedication to the entertainment world will be deeply missed, may both of you find peace. -- Lee

Michael, I will tell my children and grandchildren how great your songs and dances were. You are a forever a legend and will be remembered for many many years to come. -- cheebj

Can’t believe that MJ is gone...mourning his death with the rest of the world! RIP Micheal! -- T.K.Letchumy Tamboo, Kuala Lumpur

It was a bolt from the blue when I heard of M.J’s demise. Just as unexpected was the shattering news about F.F. I sincerely pay tribute and homage to these two extraordinary individuals who have been such an immense inspiration and influence to millions of people throughout the world. May it be known that their memories will be always be held close to my heart. And to M.J., may the blessing and mercy of God be upon him. -- Iskandar Zulfadzli

You are still very much alive, as long as mankind still can hear and as long as the air vibrates, your songs will continue to play on the speakers and touch our hearts and souls. And we will sing itm again and again and tell our grandchildren for generations to come, that You have rocked our world.Be in peace, our hero, our idol. - Melvin Wong

King of pop..he rejuvenate the world music industry with his talent and present..there will be thousand years for us to see anther music icon. -indraaizwaan

Michael Jackson….you gave the world your talent and love….now it’s your Legacy that will live on forever. I am one of your fans who never faltered and remained true to you and always followed your career. We the people of the world needed the healing and you gave us that medicine…”Heal The World”, never a soul have cared so much for the children and the world….may god bless you a safe journey. - Vikneswaran Sundrason Pillai, KL

YOU live a life for millions of us, YOU fill our lives full of joy, awareness and repentance with your music and songs, YOU made us become THE WORLD. Thank you my dear friend... Its been a life fulfilled for most of us. - Peter Khor

Michael have changed many people’s lives through his songs “Man in the mirror” & “black or white”. He also made people realised that there are many things we can do for the poor & hungry + also the environment (mother earth). - James Chew

No one...just no one can erase your influence on so many of us of a certain age, your musical genius will immortalize u for the generations to come. Thank you Michael!! Rest in Peace. - Maran

Michael Jackson is brilliant in so many ways. He inspired people around the world to sing and dance and the name Michael Jackson is so famous that people of all ages knows who he are (even my grandma knows). He has a very deep impact to the music world and he is undoubtedly one of the unique icons that cannot be duplicated. Most of the adults today grew up with Michael Jackson and it’s very sad to hear his demise. May peace be with you and farewell Michael. You will be deeply missed and remembered! - Derek, Cyberjaya

Michael Joseph Jackson you thrilled us in “Thriller” , you showed us the “Man In The Mirror” . You gave us hope in “We are the World” & Showed us how to “Heal the World”. All of us thank you for the direction, wisdom & also humility. May God Bless you and protect your beautiful Children. We will sorely miss you. - Sudersh

Michael Jackson, he shall remained our Legend of all times! - levian

We will miss both of u MJ and FF forever where can we find your replacement from Hot Piper R & C

I’m shock to hear the news early this morning. Your songs Thriller, Beat It & Billy Jean are always my favourite. We will always remember you in our heart. You are always remember as KING OF POP! of the century. Yee, Selangor

Micheal Jackson is MUSIC. Your rhythm, your words, your style and your presence was an inspiration to all. May you find the peace and happiness you long for… You will be loved forever. Tabitha Dass

MJ you will be our King Of Pop forever. We will always remember all the good songs and dance moves that you bring to us. -- BL Koay

Farrah - You’re everyone idol through the world. From the day that I have your photo way back in the 70s till to date, it is still very much touch our heart. RIP - We’ll never forget that sweet memories that you left for the world. Johnny

This is the saddest news of the year. MJ was an idol that my father and myself grow up listening with. He’s a extremely talented artist that what the world have lack with nowadays. Although MJ may be away but the LEGEND will speak itselfs. RIP ... MJ. - Bryan Wong

MJ’s death is a great tragic. It’s heartbreaking that he did not made it for a comeback after his hardwork. He has indeed made a great change in the entertainment world. No one’s gonna forget MJ. Forever in our hearts...Prissy

Nor religion neither political system can unite the world , but the music of a single soul ; the king of pop inspired many of us to believe and understand that we can live together in peace and harmony. Michael you are and forever you will remind my hero --- thanks for your song --- BLACK and WHITE. - Mhoudine Mohamed

Michael Jackson, a person whom i believe should be awarded with Noble Prize. You brought the blacks and the whites together with your songs... You have done so much for the community but still you was a victim of abuse and torture by money minded man kind...I wonder why good and nice people like you and Elvis Presley leaves the world so soon???? Why??? Why??? I was expecting your comeback performance , scheduled unprecedented 50 shows at London, with the first set for July 13.... But now you are gone..... I am gonna miss you Jack.... We human kind have lost the one and only BEST ENTERTAINER. I always love you.... May you rest in peace.. Ganaesan Shunmugam, penang

His personal lifestyle aside....MJ is and will be the Greatest Entertainer in the World ! He will and never be replaced ! He was a talented music man where his songs & dances entertained all of us -young & old! RIP Michael Jackson ! You Are The BEST ! Audrey

Michael Jackson, the name that every music lover will remember. His songs were superb and he created the moonwalk. Now we will be missing such a dance. May your soul rest in peace Michael. My deepest condolence to the Jackson family- K.Vigram Kovalan

The passing away of this two persons shall remind us the value of each breath we are having, be thankful that we are still breathing every morning when we wake up and be grateful to the creator for what we are given in this life. Afterall, the greatest gift on earth one can received is the incomng and outgoing breath we are having. Therefore, don’t let another day go by without being touched by the magic of what bas been placed inside of us. - Laura Chan Taman Desa


Both these STARS have contributed so much of themselves to entertain us - it is no easy task to sacrifice so much of their life and work so hard to meet the expectations of their fans all over the world. I salute you Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, you were both my favorites. Thank you both for bringing so much entertainment and joy to us by simply watching and appreciating you. May you rest in peace and may the Lord welcome you into His Kingdom and may He comfort the family you left behind. Till we meet again on God’s beautiful shores. - CarolineAnita

Sadness glooms as the world looses the greatest entertainer of all time. Never will there be an entertainer to grace any stage anywhere in this planet.

Michael you’re indeed the King of Pop, my heart is heavy with sadness over your passing...thank you for your all the great songs and moves. You songs are next best thing since the creation of music. - Suresh Anthony Photography

Another day is gone.....truly means another day is gone, my mom called me to say how sorry she is to hear the news to me, Because everyone knew how much MJ meant to, an inspiration, an idol, a motivator in many ways. May your Soul RIP! Never forgotten!

Michael Jackson, a name that shall be remembered for centuries to come. He impacted everyone as the King of Pop and his memories shall linger on and be remembered through his songs. I hope his soul rests in peace and my deepest condolence to the Jackson family. -- Preemkumar

Sad to know that we can never hear new songs from MJ anymore. His movement on the stage is most entertaining to date. Gonna miss his style a lot. Good Rest Michael. -- Adrian Wong

May the King of Pop finds the peace he so desperately craves for it remains elusive to him on Earth. Rest in Peace , Michael We will miss you. -- Alvin Teh

who’s goin to heal the world now? who’s gonna tell u that u r not alone? who’s gonna unite the black & white? who’s able to walk backward & look damn cool? which zombie can dance better than him? u r truly world HISTORY. -- Adam Tan

To Michael Jackson we love you forever !! -- Aishah Taha

I was shocked to hear of the sad demise of our legendary and evergreen pop artist Michael Jackson. My heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and fans. May his soul rest in peace. -- Bernard

To Michael & Farrah, You both are the best and have always been the best, I miss you both. May your soul rest in PEACE. -- Priscillia

Michael’s rendition of “Ben” will be forever etched in my memory - his vocals so clear, pure and captivating, and who can forget Thriller - the best album- ever! Farrah was lovely, wholesome and although blonde, still managed to transcend the “bombshell” image due to her clean and pure beauty. They are truly irreplaceable. It’s sad that such talented individuals had sufferred so much until their final destinations. May your souls rest in peace. We will miss you dearly. -- CHRIS, Selangor

Remember growing up watching Charlie’s Angels and of the 3 angels Farrah was my favourite. Simply because I loved her hair. It was so wavy and she kinda set the trend for that form of hairstyle. As for MJ, I know I used to sing along to his music i.e. Beat It, Billie Jean, etc. The ‘King of Pop’ can never be replaced by another. Sadly, this is life in a nutshell. I’m gonna miss both of them. Goodbye Farrah & Michael. -- CJ

I grew up watching both stars in their hey days as well as their struggles in life. One set the trend in women’s hairstyle. The other rule the world with his music and songs. I remember I used to collect Charlie’s Angels pin-ups and posters. Farrah is one of my favourites because her smile is so sweet and “mesmerising”. Michael may be a freak to some, but I rather put his personal life aside, and look at him as a brilliant entertainer, singer, dancer and composer. Farrah can now be happy with the true “angels” up above while Michael can now rest in peace from the slanders and news-hungry media, and paparazzi. Life is uncertain. Death is certain. May they rest in peace. -- Condolences from, Francis Yip

Can’t really think this has happened, everyday I read about what’s going on with Farrah in the internet and all of a suden this morning the 7am news says Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett are dead. Tears can’t stop rolling from my sister and me on our way to work. Since we grew up at the time Michael Jackson was our idol, we have all his songs and we went to both the concerts Michael Jackson held in Malaysia paying the most expensive ticket for both days. Now he is gone. May god bless them both. -- vj

My love and condolences to the Man I knew as the Lord of Music and Dance. He is my ideal throughout my life who has showed so much life, courage and the importance of being passionate about dreams. World’s most popular dancer and singer I have ever known, you will always be in my heart my MAN!!! -- Rishi Rampal

Living in a hostel during my college days, I still remember how the TV room was jam-packed with students (Malays, Indians, Chinese, Kadazans, Punjabis, etc) waiting for the next Michael Jackson release after Thriller - that was Black or White - and we all marvelled at the different faces morphing from African American to Caucasian to Asian, over and over again! I remember walking in a shopping complex and all of us strollers would stop whenever the beat of Billie Jean’s track played and we would watch the video of MJ spinning, moonwalking and going ‘yeee...heeee!’ Whatever else MJ was, he surely made great music and was a great performer. -- CT NOYAWNS

You are always the brightest star and forever in our mind. -- Raymond Wong

Michael Jackson was more than just a legend. He was the one who tried to change the world through his music. Just to name a few, “Heal the world”, “You are not alone”, “We are the world”, “They don’t care about us”. He was the first artiste who tried to change the world with his music, let it be the earth, or for racial unity. We have lost more than an artiste and a brother. Farrah Fawcett was the iconic angel. No more can be said to mourn her brave death. She is now a true angel above us, watching over us. -- Melissa Lau

He will be missed dearly. His songs touched the lives of many and has brought a positive impact to the world. From generations to generations, he has continued to touch many. From the very young to the very old. Many have tried to be like him, bring a light to the entertainment world. His songs are like a thousand words, making the world realise about many things. May Michael Jackson R.I.P, he will continue to live in the hearts of many! Hail the King of Pop! -- Zen Sern

I am big fan of MJ since I small. I actually grow up listening to his songs to the extend I stole money from my parents to go and grab “MJ tapes” and once I actually made my hair done like him. He was so inspiring and whatever the media says or label him for me, he is the king of pop and no man can come close to him. We human kind have lost the one and only BEST ENTERTAINER. I ALWAYS LOVE U MJ. -- valens

MJ, we will always remember you in our heart! Thank you for all the good u hv given to the world! R.I.P. -- Tiger Tee

Received an sms from a friend abroad early this morning. Was informed about Michael Jackson’s death. I couldnt believe it and it came totally as a surprised as I last heard he was busy getting ready for his upcoming London gig etc and he was in the press for the past recent months. Sad to hear that he’s gone and what’s left is his music for all of us to share & enjoy. Gone but definately NOT forgotten. Despite all the negative news and all those crazy reports on his life, there’s no deniying that his music is something ALL of us enjoyed. His music brought the world together and him, being known as The King of Pop will always be in our thoughts. RIP Michael and God Bless him and his family! -- YiVon Tai, Malacca

God bless you Michael for giving us the music that enchanted us. Thanks for the Thriller, We are the world and the Earth song. God bless you Farrah for empowering the crowning glory of the womenfolk. Thanks for Charlie’s Angels and the hair. -- Vishie, Ampang

Michael Jackson, 'King of Pop,' dead at 50

LOS ANGELES: Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop" who once moonwalked above the music world, died Thursday as he prepared for a comeback bid to vanquish nightmare years of sexual scandal and financial calamity. He was 50.

Jackson died at UCLA Medical Center after being stricken at his rented home in Holmby Hills. Paramedics tried to resuscitate him at his home for nearly three-quarters of an hour, then rushed him to the hospital, where doctors continued to work on him.

"It is believed he suffered cardiac arrest in his home. However, the cause of his death is unknown until results of the autopsy are known," his brother Jermaine said. Police said they were investigating, standard procedure in high-profile cases.

Police are seen outside UCLA Medical Center, where Michael Jackson was taken in Los Angeles Thursday, June 25, 2009. Michael Jackson died Thursday at age 50. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon)

Jackson's death brought a tragic end to a long, bizarre, sometimes farcical decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music's premier all-around performer, a uniter of black and white music who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.

His 1982 album "Thriller" - which included the blockbuster hits "Beat It," "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" - is the best-selling album of all time, with an estimated 50 million copies sold worldwide.

At the time of his death, Jackson was rehearsing hard for what was to be his greatest comeback: He was scheduled for an unprecedented 50 shows at a London arena, with the first set for July 13.

As word of his death spread, MTV switched its programming to play videos from Jackson's heyday.

Radio stations began playing marathons of his hits.

Michael Jackson is seen in file pictures from top left, 1971, 1977, 1979, and bottom left, 1983, 1987, and 1990. Jackson has died in Los Angeles at age 50 on Thursday, June 25, 2009. (AP Photo)

Hundreds of people gathered outside the hospital.

In New York's Times Square, a low groan went up in the crowd when a screen flashed that Jackson had died, and people began relaying the news to friends by cell phone.

"No joke. King of Pop is no more. Wow," Michael Harris, 36, of New York City, read from a text message a friend had sent him.

"It's like when Kennedy was assassinated. I will always remember being in Times Square when Michael Jackson died."

The public first knew him as a boy in the late 1960s, when he was the precocious, spinning lead singer of the Jackson 5, the singing group he formed with his four older brothers out of Gary, Indiana.

Among their No. 1 hits were "I Want You Back," "ABC" and "I'll Be There."

He was perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation, known for his backward-gliding moonwalk, his feverish, crotch-grabbing dance moves and his high-pitched singing, punctuated with squeals and titters. His single sequined glove, tight,

military-style jacket and aviator sunglasses were trademarks, as was his ever-changing, surgically altered appearance.

"For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just don't have the words," said Quincy Jones, who produced "Thriller."

"He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever. I've lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him."

Jackson ranked alongside Elvis Presley and the Beatles as the biggest pop sensations of all time.

He united two of music's biggest names when he was briefly married to Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie, and Jackson's death immediately evoked comparisons to that of Presley himself, who died at age 42 in 1977.

As years went by, Jackson became an increasingly freakish figure - a middle-aged man-child weirdly out of touch with grown-up life. His skin became lighter, his nose narrower, and he spoke in a breathy, girlish voice.

He often wore a germ mask while traveling, kept a pet chimpanzee named Bubbles as one of his closest companions, and surrounded himself with children at his Neverland ranch, a storybook playland filled with toys, rides and animals. The tabloids dubbed him "Wacko Jacko."

"It seemed to me that his internal essence was at war with the norms of the world. It's as if he was trying to defy gravity," said Michael Levine, a Hollywood publicist who represented Jackson in the early 1990s.

He called Jackson a "disciple of P.T. Barnum" and said the star appeared fragile at the time but was "much more cunning and shrewd about the industry than anyone knew."

Jackson caused a furor in 2002 when he playfully dangled his infant son, Prince Michael II, over a hotel balcony in Berlin while a throng of fans watched from below.

In 2005, he was cleared of charges he molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor at Neverland in 2003.

He had been accused of plying the boy with alcohol and groping him, and of engaging in strange and inappropriate behavior with other children.

The case followed years of rumors about Jackson and young boys. In a TV documentary, he acknowledged sharing his bed with children, a practice he described as sweet and not at all sexual.

Despite the acquittal, the lurid allegations that came out in court took a fearsome toll on his career and image, and he fell into serious financial trouble. Michael Joseph Jackson was born Aug. 29, 1958, in Gary.

He was 4 years old when he began singing with his brothers - Marlon, Jermaine, Jackie and Tito - in the Jackson 5.

After his early success with bubblegum soul, he struck out on his own, generating innovative, explosive, unstoppable music.

The album "Thriller" alone mixed the dark, serpentine bass and drums and synthesizer approach of "Billie Jean," the grinding Eddie Van Halen solo on "Beat It," and the hiccups and falsettos on "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'."

The peak may have come in 1983, when Motown celebrated its 25th anniversary with an all-star televised concert and Jackson moonwalked off with the show, joining his brothers for a medley of old hits and then leaving them behind with a pointing, crouching, high-kicking, splay-footed, crotch-grabbing run through "Billie Jean."

The audience stood and roared. Jackson raised his fist.

By then he had cemented his place in pop culture. He got the plum Scarecrow role in the 1978 movie musical "The Wiz," a pop-R&B version of "The Wizard of Oz," that starred Diana Ross as Dorothy.

During production of a 1984 Pepsi commercial, Jackson's scalp sustains burns when an explosion sets his hair on fire. He had strong follow-up albums with 1987's "Bad" and 1991's "Dangerous," but his career began to collapse in 1993 after he was accused of molesting a boy who often stayed at his home.

The singer denied any wrongdoing, reached a settlement with the boy's family, reported to be $20 million, and criminal charges were never filed.

Jackson's expressed anger over the allegations on the 1995 album "HIStory," which sold more than 2.4 million copies, but by then, the popularity of Jackson's music was clearly waning, even as public fascination with his increasingly erratic behavior was growing.

Cardiac arrest is an abnormal heart rhythm that stops the heart from pumping blood to the body. It can occur after a heart attack or be caused by other heart problems.

Billboard magazine editorial director Bill Werde said Jackson's star power was unmatched.

"The world just lost the biggest pop star in history, no matter how you cut it," Werde said. "He's literally the king of pop."

Jackson's 13 No. 1 one hits on the Billboard charts put him behind only Presley, the Beatles and Mariah Carey, Werde said.

"He was on the eve of potentially redeeming his career a little bit," he said.

"People might have started to think of him again in a different light."

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Michael Jackson's death stuns fans across the world

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Across the country, people reacted in stunned disbelief Thursday as word spread that Michael Jackson had collapsed and died. Within minutes of Jackson's arrival by ambulance at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center people began arriving by the hundreds, the crowd quickly filling a grassy entrance outside the hospital. Overhead, news helicopters whirred noisily and TV trucks clogged streets.

As word spread a few minutes later that Jackson had died, several people burst into tears. Others stood silently, looking pensive, as they waited for official word from the hospital. Still others whipped out cell phones and began calling or texting friends to pump them for information.

A similar scene played out just a couple miles away, in front of Jackson's tony Holmby Hills home, where a Fire Department ambulance had arrived to take him to the hospital.

"I'm in shock," said Becky Williams, a 26-year-old Jackson fan from Salt Lake City who happened to be visiting her sister just down the street.

"He's gone. The legend of music," Williams said in disbelief as she stood outside Jackson's home.

In Holmby Hills, cars - many of them with stereo systems blaring songs from Jackson's classic "Thriller" album - began go clog the streets.

As people began to leave their cars to snap pictures, a police officer warned them their cars would be towed if they didn't move.

Among those who drove to the neighborhood was Sue Mossell, who was visiting from Georgia with her two sons, 7-year-old Ryan and 12-year-old Jimmy.

Ryan placed a pink flower in front of Jackson's gate.

"He wanted to put a flower down for him," said Mossell, 46, who said she grew up listening to Jackson's music.

Crowds gather in front of Jackson's childhood home

GARY, Indiana: Fans formed a prayer circle on the front yard of Michael Jackson's modest childhood home Thursday and hundreds more crowded the street after word spread that the "King of Pop" and Gary native had died.

Stuffed teddy bears and roses were left on the porch of the small white frame house where Jackson grew up, which now sits empty, as neighbors gathered to light candles and pen notes of condolence.

"I had to come here because I literally was going to break down if I sat in my house," said Wyatt Puryear, a truck driver from Gary who said he named his son Michael after Jackson, who died in Los Angeles at age 50.

"I grew up on Michael Jackson," said Puryear, 38.

"Ever since I was a kid, I was dancing and singing like him."

Bernetta Galloway of Gary said she headed straight to the Jackson home from her doctor's office after hearing the news.

The 50-year-old said residents are proud of Jackson because he was "somebody from Gary who did something with their life."

Jackson was born the seventh of nine children in Gary on Aug. 19, 1958. He was 11 years old when the family moved out of the city after the Jackson 5 recorded their first album in 1969.

Gordon Keith signed the Jackson Five to his Gary-based Steeltown Records in 1967.

Decades later he sued Jackson family members over the rights to their early recordings with Steeltown.

Keith, who still lives in Gary, produced the Jacksons' first record, a 45 with side one "Big Boy" and flip side "You've Changed" released in 1967.

Michael Jackson was 7{ or 8 at the time.

"He was super when I first met him and heard him," Keith said. "I definitely knew that about him."

The Jackson 5 played two concerts at West Side High School in 1971, but Michael Jackson did not return to Gary until June 2003. It was his last trip to his hometown.

Gary Mayor Rudy Clay, who was not yet mayor then, said Jackson received a hero's welcome.

Clay said Jackson made residents in the beleaguered city along Lake Michigan proud of their once-prosperous steeltown.

"I had the opportunity to shake his hand and talk to him ... and that's where I saw the love in his heart and how humble he was as a person," Clay said.

"You could feel the love that Michael had for people."

Robert Crawford, 42, a crane operator who has lived in Gary all his life, started singing the Jackson 5 song "Going Back to Indiana" as he stood in front of the Jackson's boyhood home Thursday evening.

"I think his memory is going to live on," Crawford said. "They should bring a statue of Michael right here." - AP

Latest on Jackson and other news from AP-Wire

News of Jackson's death first spread online

NEW YORK: It was a where-were-you moment in a digital age.

Michael Jackson's death was not learned from a fatherly TV news anchor.

Instead, the news first spread online. Some of the initial reports from various outlets were confusing: Was Jackson still alive?

Was he in a coma?

They spread like wildfire across news sites, social media networks and Twitter.

The celebrity Web site site broke the news of Jackson's death at 5:20 p.m. EDT (2120 GMT) Thursday.

It was a huge scoop for the AOL-owned TMZ, though many did not believe TMZ's report until it was matched by more established news organizations.

"Everything starts with a tip," said Harvey Levin, managing editor of TMZ.

"We wouldn't have put it up if we weren't positive."

Jackson's death was confirmed by the Los Angeles Times and then The Associated Press just minutes before the nightly network news began.

The anchors relayed the news at the top of their broadcasts, though CBS and ABC quickly moved on to their prepared obituaries for Farrah Fawcett, who died earlier Thursday.

MTV, the channel that had so much to do with Jackson's incredible rise to fame, played Jackson's iconic music videos "Beat

It" and "Thriller," and continued with a Jackson marathon.

Jackson dominated the discussion on Twitter, generating the most tweets per second since Barack Obama was elected president in November.

"We saw over twice the normal tweets per second the moment the story broke as people shared their grief and memories," Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said in an e-mail.

The tweeting tripped up Twitter briefly, but engineers quickly responded to keep the service running.

At times Thursday night, Jackson-related search topics were the most popular on the site.

Celebrity users on Twitter - including Lindsay Lohan, Ashton Kutcher, John Mayer, Ryan Seacrest and ?uestlove of the Roots _ posted their remembrances.

"I will be mourning my friend, brother, mentor and inspiration," tweeted MC Hammer.

"He gave me and my family hope. I would never have been me without him."

Comedian Rob Corddry, the former "Daily Show" correspondent, joked: "I wish it had been Michael Jackson that broke the story of TMZ dying."

Others sought to corrupt the memorializing of Jackson.

A false rumor was spread that actor Jeff Goldblum had died. His publicist had to release a statement saying that Goldblum was fine.

So many people wanted to verify the early reports of Jackson's death that the computers running Google's news section interpreted the fusillade of "Michael Jackson" requests as an automated attack from about 5:40 p.m. EDT (2140 GMT) through 6:15 p.m. (2215 GMT).

As a defense mechanism, Google's news section responded to requests for information about Michael Jackson with squiggly letters known as a "captcha."

Just as online ticket buyers regularly do to complete their purchases, the Michael Jackson searchers had to enter the letters correctly to see Google's new results.

Searches made through Google's main search engine were unaffected, according to company spokesman Gabriel Stricker.

On YouTube, traffic flowed to music videos of Jackson, while thousands posted videos of themselves sharing their thoughts on Jackson.

On the Google Inc.-owned YouTube, traffic flowed to music videos of Jackson, while thousands posted videos of themselves sharing their thoughts on Jackson.

Others were using Facebook to organize vigils and celebrations of Jackson.

One in San Francisco with nearly 50 confirmed guests hoped to recreated the "Thriller" dance.

Within a few hours of the news of Jackson's death, his 1982 album "Thriller" was the No. 1 album on iTunes. Several of his discs were also in the top 10 of the digital store. - AP

Like Elvis, Jackson was a King who died young

NEW YORK: Michael Jackson didn't want to be just a superstar. Like the Beatles, he wanted to be the biggest, the undisputed king. He wanted to topple the reigning man with the crown, Elvis.

In the end, Jackson came to resemble Elvis in both the best and worst ways - supremely gifted and successful but also self-destructive and beset by demons.

And like Elvis, he died way too young.

"It's just so weird. He even married Elvis' daughter," said author-music critic Greil Marcus, who wrote at length about Presley in his acclaimed cultural history, "Mystery Train."

Elvis Presley died a bloated middle-age man after overdosing on prescription drugs at home in 1977 at age 42. Jackson died Thursday at age 50 after being rushed from his Los Angeles home to UCLA Medical Center.

While endless fame seemed to inflate Elvis like helium, Jackson's fame seemed to scrub away the flesh from his bones.

Like Elvis, Jackson was once beautiful, outrageous, a revolutionary without politics who shook down the walls between black and white.

He had the hits, the style, the ego, the talent.

He was the "King of Pop," and he needed only to fill in the life:

He married Elvis' daughter.

He bought the rights to some of Elvis' songs.

Elvis owned Graceland, its name a symbol for a deliverance the singer prayed for until the end of his life.

Jackson had Neverland, a fantasy for a man-child for whom money provided the chance to live in a world of his own.

He did, and did not, want to be like Elvis.

In "Moon Walk," a memoir published in 1988, Jackson insisted Elvis was not important to him growing up and that he was unhappy to learn a song he recorded with his brothers, "Heartbreak Hotel," shared the name of Presley's first national hit.

"I swear that was a phrase that came out of my head, and I wasn't thinking of any other song when I wrote it," he wrote.

"The record company printed it on the cover as 'This Place Hotel,' because of the Elvis Presley connection.

"As important as he was to music, black as well as white, he just wasn't an influence on me. I guess he was too early for me. Maybe it was timing more than anything else.

"By the time our song had come out, people thought that if I kept living in seclusion the way I was, I might die the way he did. The parallels aren't there as far as I'm concerned, and I was never much for scare tactics. Still, the way Elvis destroyed himself interests me, because I don't ever want to walk those grounds myself." - AP

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Star Wars; Is it a Political Myth for Today

With Lucas on Capital Hill answering what this line from the recent episode; "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause." comes from the fact "Star Wars" series was inspired by ancient Rome, the French Revolution and the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany. "In all of those countries, a democracy fell through nefarious manipulations behind the scenes, and the people didn't seem to mind."

With a recent article in the La Times, Star Wars has gone political. George Lucas has attended a Capital Hill meeting for Democrats.

"Star Wars" filmmaker George Lucas joined House Democratic leaders at a town hall meeting on Capitol Hill to roll out an "innovation agenda" that aims to prepare the next generation of technological entrepreneurs.

Star wars has always been in our collective unconsciousness since its inception after Lucas read Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces. But has this movie entered the political arena?Students asked Lucas what he meant by the line from "Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith": "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."

Lucas answered that when Rome, Nazi Germany, and after the French Revolution, "In all of those countries, a democracy fell through nefarious manipulations behind the scenes, and the people didn't seem to mind."

Is he pointing the finger at us, the american public with our crossed messages. Support the troops automatically means you are for war, in this mixed up country it is not sure. Also strikes the cord is Anakin’s line to Obi Won, :

”If you are not for the Empire, you are against it!”Further more Anakin is persuaded by the Emperor, vaguely disguised as a rising Senator much like the younger Bush Senior, to bring in a reign of terror and death to bring safety to the Republic. Another one nudge for the French Revolution and our modern Freedom Fry eaters on Capital Hill. For true Patriots like Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, and Thomas jefferson; today would be called terrorists. For indeed if they lost the war, history would of gone to the victors and they would of been called so.

In olden days we might walk away from a Myth like Star Wars or the Matrix, and know that some how it pertained to our real lives. But for too long now, media such as TV and the movies have been art for art sake. No longer do we hear the words of Pinnochio or Plato’s Cave and find our lives informed on a better way of life. Or do the papers offer a voice to the workers and the people. This has been replaced by the tabloids on cable and the check out line. Maybe we should go back to believing in our myths handed down for thousand of years throughout the world, and give incredulous glances to the tv news and newspapers. For Myths worked for us since we crawled out of the oceanArticle Submission, of our minds!So what is this latest episode of the famous trilogy trying to tell us. Or how does Lucas emphasize this by going to Capital Hill. Watch the movie again and see what springs to mind!

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Learn Which Toy Star Wars Figures are the Most Popular

Find out the truth about Toy Star Wars Figures and see if they are up your alley. Learn all about Toy Star Wars Figures on the Internet.

Children have always been fascinated with the worlds beyond our own, hence the rise on popularity of the Star Wars Franchise. For the past 30 years, each generation has been reintroduced to the Jedi and Darth Vader. That is why each year parents scramble on birthdays and Christmas to find just the right Toy Star Wars figurines and play sets. With the changes in characters and story lines, this can be a confusing task, unless you are in the know about which Toy Star Wars figurines are the most popular.

Darth Vader

No matter which generation of Star Wars you are from you will instantly recognize this figure. Darth Vader is the ultimate heavy breathing villain resplendent in black. This figurine has been made and remade over the years with the new model more realistic than ever.

Complete with foldable arms that allows for an accurate re-creation of the last scene in The Revenge of the Sith, kids will love this figurine. Vader stands an impressive 12 inches tall and his cool outfit is made of cloth. Perhaps the neatest improvement on this figurine is the recreation of the scarred face beneath the mask, it is an accurate depiction of the actor who played Anakin Skywalker, AKA Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith.

Storm Troopers

No collection of Toy Star Wars action figures is complete without at least one or two storm troopers. These action figures come in all sizes and are the Star Wars answer to little green army men! Kids love to play out their favorite scenes from any episode with storm troopers. You can also get these in the same dimensions as Darth Vader from above. Twelve inches high and they come complete with an Imperial Blaster and stand. A perfect toy for any Star Wars Fan.

Star Wars Collectors Tin

If you are less inclined to invest in the large figurines, you can make the smiles come alive with a collector's tin. This one is perfect for the girls too as Princess Leia is part of the package. Princess Leia comes with an Ewok approved cloth dress and rooted hair, she may only be a few inches tall, but she is still a beautiful figurine. With her in this set are a storm trooper, scout trooper with flip up helmet and of course the dark Darth Vader with light up saber. Hours of fun and imagination are to be had with this cool set.


If your child is a Toy Star Wars Figurine fan and you are unsure of which one to get, stick with the classics. They will always be a recognizable part of the Star Wars Saga and any child will love them. Once you have exhausted the Vader, Trooper, and Princess angle, there are always Ewoks, Jar-Jar Binks, YodaHealth Fitness Articles, and Chewbacca to fill in the gaps. The story may evolve but these characters will always be a part of the Toy Star Wars figurine family.

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Find out about the latest Toys Vehicles and Airplanes from Brian Garvin and Jeff West. Also discover more about Toy Star Wars Figures Online free. Freely distribute this article but please leave author bio and links intact.

Star Wars: The Franchise That May Never Disappear

The initial film, Star Wars, was predicted to be a flop, so no merchandise was created to debut with the film’s release. As you can probably imagine, the Star Wars toy and merchandise franchise has grown considerably since the Christmas of 1977.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there was the little sci-fi movie that could – Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. At the time, though, it was just known as Star Wars, and it created a franchise unlike anything seen before.

In 2005, Forbes magazine estimated that the Star Wars franchise, from the time it began in the late seventies, had generated more than twenty billion dollars in revenue, and with six big screen success stories, at least three spin-off films, five licensed television shows, and thousands of books, comic books, and toys, it's no surprise. What might be a surprise, though, is that by the time Star Wars creator George Lucas finished the first film, he was over-budget, out of time, and convinced the film would be a flop. Early screenings of the film did little to improve Lucas' ideas that the film would be any kind of success, but when it was finally released in the summer of 1977, the film earned nearly seven million dollars in its first weekend. It is considered to be the second highest profitable film of all time.

More than Great Films

Ask any Star Wars fan, though, and they'll tell you it's not just about the movies, it's also about the associated merchandise. The initial film was predicted to be a flop, so no merchandise was created to debut with the film's release. The toy company, Kenner, though had purchased the license to sell associate products By Christmas of 1977, demand was so high, Kenner created an "Early Bird Special" kit. The kit held a certificate fans could send in for four 3 ¾ inch figures as soon as they became available. On Christmas morning, thousands of kids got empty cardboard envelopes that held only a display stand, a Star Wars club card, a few stickers, and a certificate they could put their name and address on, mail in, and wait for several months for the first Star Wars toys ever produced to arrive. Months later, lots of kids did get Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, R2-D2, and Chewbacca in the mail, and years later, these four figures are considered to be some of the most valuable action figures on the collectors' market today.

Explosive Industry Growth

As you can probably imagine, the Star Wars toy and merchandise franchise has grown considerably since the Christmas of 1977. Once Kenner geared up the production machine, it slowed for no one. From additional action figures to vehicles, playsets, and lightsabers, the vintage Star Wars toy market had everything. As Episodes V and VI were released, more toys hit the market. T-shirts, bed sheets, toothbrushes, combs, and watches were all part of the marketing campaign as well.

After the release of Return of the Jedi, though, the Star Wars marketing machine slowed considerably. People seemed to thing the Star Wars market was nearing the end. However, in the late 1990s, a new line of Star Wars action figures was released. Dubbed "The Power of the Force" line, these green carded figures created a whole new generation of collectors, and with the release of the special edition of the original trilogy, and the subsequent release of Star Wars Episode I, the marketing machine kicked back into high gear. From bubble bath to sandals, the Star Wars name can be found on almost anything these days, and with talk of additional television series, DVDs, and even other filmsScience Articles, it's hard to tell when the franchise will ever slow down.

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The author, Andrew Wills, is a professional working in Canada and is the Admin of the website content page Article Directory. This article can also be found at, where you will find books on many exciting topics of interest. For more information please go to today.

Is Star Wars LEGO the most popular LEGO theme?

When it comes to Star Wars collectibles, one of the most coolest stuff to collect is without a doubt LEGO Star Wars. The first set which was based on the original trilogy was released in 1999 to coincide with The Phantom Menace and included a model X-Wing which you could build with the LEGO pieces.

Ask any Star Wars fan and they will probably admit to owning a Star Wars LEGO set or two. The first set, based on the original trilogy, came out around the same time as The Phantom Menance movie in 1999.

Not long after, new LEGO sets started to emerge following each of the newer movies. You could build many scenes from each movie or just play with the models of the ships or LEGO men characters.

Recently LEGO extended it's licence with Lucas film Ltd to continue releasing sets until 2011.

The sets also inspired video games based on the Star Wars LEGO pieces.

The Millennium Falcon and X-Wing spacecraft are still to this day the most popular sets to own. Specific LEGO pieces were created to achieve the accurate look of each spacecraft.

Over time many of the sets, including the Millenium Falcon, have been redesigned to improve the accuracy of each model.

The mini figures have also been redesigned many times, with the most obvious being Obi-Wan Kenobi whose torso and face changed color, and the Storm troopers which have gone through three different helmet shapes, three different heads and two different torso colors.

The vehicles are usually the most popular of the LEGO sets and to capitalise on this the Ultimate Collector's Series was created in which each model was more detailed and accurate. They were more expensive that the original LEGO sets (due to more pieces and a higher skill level to build) but still proved popular with fans and collectors alike.

Expanded Universe sets are in plans for the future based on the fictional background of the Star Wars universe.

Most of the Expanded Universe information comes from Star Wars related books, comics, video games and other media which can take place anywhere from 25,000 years before The Phantom Menace to 137 years after Return of the Jedi, so LEGO designers have a lot of background to choose from.

Whether you collect them for fun or as a serious hobby, the LEGO Star Wars sets have become popular with both adults and children and will probably go on to provide lots of enjoyment for many years to come.

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Living in Abundance: May the Force Be With You

Perhaps, you have heard the phrase “May the force be with you” from your favorite Episode of the Star Wars movies. The Star Wars movies explore the power of our choices, the wonder of destiny, and the power that is in us and all around us. However, what if the force could truly be with in every aspect of your life?

There is a power in us and throughout the Universe that allows us to live abundantly. We can live in wealth, happiness, divine love, optimal health, and peace and order. The beauty is we don’t have to be a Jedi to do it. That force lies within all of us. That force is magnified by our own consciousness. The question is: “how many of us take the time to tap into this force? How many of us actually know how to use it?”

We are bold enough to watch the Star Wars movies and feel that jolt in side of us each time we see an energy sword light-up; we have that same energy. This energy that helps us to live in the divine flow of love and devotion, the divine flow of health and wellness, the divine flow of wealth and success, and the divine flow of peace and order. This energy magnifies more and more as we begin to live as our true self. When we live as our true self, we learn how to manifest our true desires are and we set foot on the path of destiny.

We have the power to transform the immaterial to the material. We have the power to transmute a mental thought into a material manifestation that we can hear, touchBusiness Management Articles, and see. This power give us the ability to create the life we want to live.

Let the force be with you. Live in true abundance. For more information on how to live in abundance please visit Abundance Training 101: The Universal Law of Abundance located at

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About The Author

Carmellita M. Brown is a Wellness and Success Coach. She is the Instructor for the online course “Abundance Training 101: The Universal Law of Abundance” located at and the online course “Lose Weight While becoming a Wellness Coach” located at